
Noémi Napsugár Melegh was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1990. She studied photography at the National Association of Hungarian Journalists (MÚOSZ), and have a degree in applied economics and an MSc in Economics and Development Economics from the University of Nottingham, UK. She worked as a health economist before starting her career in photojournalism. Currently, she is a photojournalist for, one of the largest independent online news portal in Hungary. Besides covering local news, her true passion lies within long-term projects, which focus on personal stories and local communities.

In 2023, she won 2nd place in the 41st Hungarian Press Photo Competition with his work on the story of two men living on the margins of the Roma community. In the 42nd Hungarian Press Photo Contest, her work was recognized with four category awards and two special prizes, the Escher Károly Award for the best news photo in Hungary and the Móricz-Sabján Simon Special Award for the best long-term work, offered by the Pictorial Collective.

She was awarded with the Hemzo Karoly Prize in June 2023, a prize for Hungarian photographers under 35 years of age.